Isabella was born in 1985 in Rovereto, a small town in northern Italy.
As a child she loved to draw, as well as playing outside with Perla, her beautiful German shepard.
She studied at Nemo - Academy of Digital Arts in the city of Florence,
where she currently lives with her cat, Miss Marple.
Isabella works as a freelance illustrator for various publishers.
She works digitally but also with traditional tools - such as pencils, watercolors,
crayons and techniques such as collage.
 She loves all types of paper!
Isabella also has other strong passions: travelling, watching movies and reading a lot!
As a matter of fact, if she hadn't become an illustrator, today she would certainly be a librarian!
Isabella Grott nasce a Rovereto in provincia di Trento nell’Ottobre del 1985. 
Dopo essersi diplomata all’Istituto d’Arte Alessandro Vittoria di Trento si trasferisce a Firenze
per conseguire la laurea triennale in Decorazione Pittorica all’Accademia di Belle Arti. 
Si iscrive poi all’Accademia delle arti digitali NEMO dove studia illustrazione e dove si diploma nel 2010, attualmente collabora con l’Accademia come insegnante di illustrazione
presso il corso di E-DESIGN. 
Nel 2015 vince il Premio letterario IL BATTELLO A VAPORE  per illustratori
Ad oggi collabora con diverse case editrici tra Italia ed estero.

Legua Editorial
La Margherite Edizioni
Edizioni EL - Emme Edizioni
Valentina Editore
Pearson Italia
Raffaello Editore
La Spiga Edizioni
Storytime Magazine Lumacomm
White star Kids
Il Battello a vapore Piemme Edizioni
(in 2015 she placed first in the Italian competition “Il Battello a Vapore”)
Usborne Publishing
YOYO Books
Quarto Group
Penguin Random House
Rourke Publishing
Oxford University Press OUP
Harper Collins Christian Publishers
Barbour Books
Insight Editions
L'orto della cultura
Cottage Door Press
Callisto Publishing
Book H
​​​​​​​Norton Books

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